Kerry: Israëls politiek leidt tot één staat

Door: Jan Schnerr - Laatst aangepast op: 6 december 2015

Nieuws van 6 december 2015

Kerry spreekt harde woorden over één-staat tendens in Israël. Bouw voor joden in Westbank, niet voor Palestijnen: ‘You get it?’

John Kerry: Israël brengt 2-staten oplossing in gevaar

Kerry (2014) voor het Saban Forum, een must voor top-Democraten

De Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Kerry heeft zaterdag gewaarschuwd dat Israël de twee-staten oplossing in gevaar brengt. Hij deed dat in een toespraak op het jaarlijkse Saban Forum. Bovendien sprak hij van: ‘(…) valid questions as to how long the Palestinian Authority (PA) will remain if the current situation continues.’ Het is de krachtigste formulering tot nu toe wat betreft de vrees van de VS dat de Palestijnse Autoriteit ineen stort. De VS hechten veel waarde aan de samenwerking (volgens veel Palestijnen: collaboratie) van de veiligheidsdiensten van de PA met Israël: ‘He (Kerry) expressed alarm at recent reports that senior Israeli officials had agreed it was not in Israel’s interests to maintain the PA, and condemned Israeli government ministers for outright opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state. He said the PA’s 30,000 security forces had played a ‘key role in preventing the situation from spiralling out of control” in the occupied West Bank — including over the course of three devastating wars in Gaza.”

Nb: Het Saban Forum (en het Brookings Institute, zie hieronder) wordt gefinancierd door de miljardair Haim Saban, die ook de Clintons steunt. Het Forum zit politiek op lijn van de Clinton stroming binnen de Democratische Partij.

Kerry in de Times of Israel: ‘You get it?’

Amerikaans-Israëlische lobbyisten: Saban, li., Democraat ($3 miljard waard) en Adelson, Republikein ($25 miljard)

Ook de Times of Israel van vanochtend citeert Kerry: ‘We understand there was only one Palestinian building permit granted for all of area C for all of last year and settler outposts are regularly being legalized while demolition of Palestinian structures is increasing. You get it?’ ‘Terror attacks are devastating hopes of Israelis… but Palestinian hopes are also being dashed by what they see every day. They’re focused on a reality that few others see – that the transition to greater Palestinian civil authority contemplated by the Oslo process has in many ways been reversed.’

Opvallend is dat de volgende strategische opmerkingen van Kerry in extenso worden afgedrukt: “Many of those arguing for the dissolution of the PA simply don’t believe in two states. Many current Israeli ministers have been clear that they oppose the vision of a Palestinian state, not just now – but ever. My friends, we’ve got to be clear eyed about this. We can’t come to a forum like this, we can’t have meetings under the norms of diplomacy and pretend. We have to be honest about what a one-state solution looks like. How does Israel possibly maintain its Jewish and democratic character when from the river to the sea there would not even be a Jewish majority?’ Kerry stelde de retorische vraag of, ‘the Palestinians would be relegated to a permanent underclass’ and if there would be “segregated roads” for the mixed population to travel on. ‘Would there be different laws applied in the Palestinian enclaves? Would anybody really believe that they were being treated equally?’ De laatste vraag van Kerry wordt zelden gesteld maar reikt, vanuit Israël; gezien verder dan de onderdrukking van de Palestijnen: ‘Kerry questioned whether in such a case, Israel would ever achieve peace with its Arab neighbors.’

De Times vat het als volgt samen: ‘US Secretary of State John Kerry warned on Saturday that the current trends in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were leading to a one-state solution, and said Israel would not be able to maintain its Jewish and democratic nature in such a reality.’

Veel democraten in Amerika: Israëls invloed te groot

Volgens een opiniepeiling van het Brookings Institute vinden veel meer democratische dan republikeinse kiezers de invloed van Israël op de buitenlandse politiek van de VS te groot. ‘Among respondents who affiliate with the Democratic party, close to half expressed concern over perceived Israeli leverage on US politicians (49%), and only 14% said the Jewish state was not influential enough. Republican voters were more sympathetic to Israel in this regard, with 25% of respondents saying Israel had too much influence, 22% saying not enough, and 52% saying the current level of influence was at their desired rate.’

Een flink percentage is voor economische sancties: ‘When asked about the appropriate response to Israeli settlement building in the West Bank, 31% recommended America limit its opposition to words, 27% said the US should do nothing, 27% recommended economic sanctions, and 10% said the US must take more serious action, the poll found.’

De relatie tussen de wederkomst van Jezus op Aarde en de bezettingspolitiek leeft voor veel Amerikanen: ‘Among respondents who identified as Christian, the poll found that 45% said they viewed current day Jews as “God’s chosen people as described in the Bible,” 51% agreed that violence in the Middle East signified that the end of times was near and 54% thought that world events will turn against Israel as the end of times near. An equal amount said it was essential Israel control all areas the Bible designates for the ancient Israelites in order for a Second Coming of Jesus to become a reality.’
