50 jaar Duitsland-Israël. Duitsers andere kijk dan Merkel

Door: Jan Schnerr - Laatst aangepast op: 6 oktober 2015

Nieuws van 6 oktober 2015

Zoals elk jaar overleg op topniveau. Visie Merkel op Israël niet gedeeld door veel Duitsers.

Netanyahoe bezoekt Merkel deze week

Merkel houdt vast aan bijzondere band met Israël. Volk is minder enthousiast

Deze week bezoekt premier Netanyahoe de Duitse Kanselier Merkel. Het bezoek draagt een symbolisch tintje omdat vijftig jaar geleden beide landen diplomatieke betrekkingen met elkaar aangingen: 12 mei 1965. Ynetnews: Research into the status of relations ahead of the half-century mark reveals a troubled reality. Israelis are mostly accepting of Germany, even with the looming shadow of the Holocaust. Germans, though, aren’t really at peace with Israel. Many of them tend to make comparisons between it and Germany under the Nazis. (…) Even German President Joachim Gauck expressed concern for the fact that nearly half of the German population holds a negative opinion of Israel.

Hieronder enkele uitspraken die Angela Merkel deed in een interview met Ynetnews (Yedioth Ahronot).

“(…) Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. That’s the crucial point – even if we’re split on a few issues that have to do with the settlement policies, and even if we would have liked there to be a negotiation toward a two-state solution.”

“First and foremost, the values that Germany and Israel represent in the world unite us: Freedom, democracy, and human dignity (…).”

(Vraag: A number of polls show that between 40 percent and over 60 percent of Germans compare Israel’s actions regarding the Palestinians to the Nazis’ treatment of the Jews. How did we reach this situation, and what do you think of that comparison?) “The Holocaust as a systematic attempt to wipe out the Jews is a unique crime. This kind of comparison is totally wrong and incomprehensible.”

(Vraag: Where do you think the line that separates legitimate criticism of some of Israel’s actions and anti-Semitism?) “The lines are crossed where a criticism is used to delegitimize an entire people or group. I oppose – even in other contexts and in principle – generalizations that attribute certain character traits, usually bad ones, to entire peoples. Every person is unique.”

Over de boycot van Israëlische producten: “In questions of trade, the European Union usually determines the direction of actions. If we want to change something, we have to get a majority for that. So, for example, there are questions of consumer protection at the European Union level that require labeling of products from certain places. That has nothing to do with a boycott. In principle, I’m not impressed at all by calls for boycotts.”

Over de speciale verantwoordelijkheid van Duitsland ten opzichte van Israël: “Israel’s security was and Is a very important matter for every German chancellor – and so it will be in the future, too. My statement must be understood in a very comprehensive way. It is frequently reduced to the military aspect, but it refers to an entirely fundamental commitment to Israel’s security. We are certainly not neutral.”

Over de overeenkomst met Iran: “I have a different assessment from that of the Israeli prime minister.”

(Vraag: What will you say to people, including those in Israel, who are concerned that the massive wave of refugees will cause the Islamization of Germany and Europe?) “In Germany, we see the refugees first and foremost as people who fled the horror of the Syrian Civil War. It is our duty to give them protection (…)”


Ook Israëlisch-Palestijnse parlementariërs “onder vuur”

Knessethlid Ahmed Tibi (Joint List) ligt onder vuur omdat hij protesteerde tegen het doodschieten van de Palestijn Fadi Alwan door de politie: Tibi posted a photo Monday night expressing support for terrorist Fadi Alwan. The picture contains a watermark saying “I acknowledge apartheid exists” and is accompanied by text reading, “My name is Fadi, I’m 19 Years Old. I was being pursued by Israeli settlers, so I rushed to the Israeli police for help. They shot me dead.

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/201466 – .VhOYZNbWFyY

Kolonisten en leger vallen Palestijnen aan

Bethlehem rouwt om de 13-jarige Abed al-Rahman Obeidallah

Gewapende kolonisten vallen op veel plaatsen in de bezette Westoever Palestijnse burgers aan, vaak onder bescherming van het leger. In Bethlehem werd een 13-jarige schooljongen op weg naar huis doodgeschoten. On Monday evening, a Red Crescent spokeswoman told Ma’an that at least 500 Palestinians had so far been injured in the fierce clashes that have swept across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. At least 41 Palestinians have been shot with live rounds, while 143 have been injured by rubber-coated steel bullets.


Kolonisten vallen konvooi premier Hamdallah aan

Maan News brengt vandaag een bericht dat de macht van de kolonisten aangeeft: Late on Monday, settlers were also reported to have intercepted the convoy of Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah near Surra village, as he was traveling to Nablus.
